"The Old American Legion Building is NOW....​"
Kuch's Steak House and Lounge, Oxford, Nebraska
​Friday and Saturday Night Prime Rib..... 

Beer, Wine and Mixed Drinks.....  plus a menu full of choices.
Eat a Steak and Book Your Next Auction with the Cook
​Kucera Auction Service
"Professional Service Since 1977"
Home 308-824-9195, Cell 308-991-4721, Fax 308-824-9195 

Kucera Auction Service is a full service auction company. Since 1977 we have conducted hundreds of auctions of all types including Real Estate, household, farm equipment and antiques.  We are also experienced in livestock auctions, owning and operating livestock auction markets since 1997.  We would be happy to visit with you about your auction needs at any time.  We enjoy conducting auctions and meeting new people.


Nancy & Linda Banwell

Kuch's Steak House and Lounge
​Steve and Julia Kucera

Oxford, Nebraska